Core philosophy:
Maslow : Social Psychology :: Einstein : Physics.
Some of you will understand that notation immediately; others will not. The MAT can cause a stroke, but is probably necessary in this new environment.
Anyway, the AGGRIDANT is really a class. It defines the biologically superior and dominant person. This is the best person for a particular job, all the way up and down the social system. Note the word "biological." And listen to Maslow on this.
If the web itself is to actualize new revolutions, then it must be seen as a web-qua-tool (interesting: Webquat and WebQuaTool are semi-meaningful strings and none of the hogs have grabbed them, just like Orthomentoring and probably all kinds of posito-linguistic combinations. I will do my best to track these in order to see what history will tell us). This means that we must see the web as a tool of triangulation and convergent thinking.
Using the web as a social tool (marketing) is like tuning a shortwave radio. This implies that we must first construct noise filters, narrowband, and attenuators for browsers in order to reach those who are tuning for the B-web.
There is also the chemistry of the webspace. For example, with neo-capitalism on one end and anarchy/socialism on the other (?) what causes the social surface tension to break and form globules versus what is catalytic to hierarchical integration? If we believe in punctuated sysetms and know a little chemistry and stoichiometry, we can make a transmitter into the future. This, I suppose, is euteleological efficiency, or B-power.
This is the focus of the nidus
Objective: Popularize Maslow
Goal: Experimental Eupsychian Town
Marketing: Reality Crap Shows and eupsychian foundations (make money for toilet paper, etc.).
Method: T-Group Hierarchical Categorization (nidus bifurcitui morbosa).
Possible outcome: Eupsychian Town Under Attack (Israel)
Servant of Chaos convinced me that a public notepad is a step into growth.
I'm an old man with an old vi toolkit, so my web presence is of the boiler room type. Please excuse my blunders with
Any other blogs you see here are pretty much scrap heaps, but since orthomentoring is a new field of endeavor, I wanted to hook it to Maslow, who will end up being the orthomentor for the 21st century.