Friday, August 02, 2013

The Conscious Machine...

Begins as a baby.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Internet Hierarchies

The most productive hierarchies are built on idiosyncratic vocabularies.

Operating System Engineers

A stack must converge with a user's world.   One builds from the bottom up.  Else, it's just throwing out trash from the sewer and gumming up the works. Use Maslow and build from the bottom, ignoring the trash floating above.  If I don't need, why burden me with it?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Aggridants and Oaths - Lukasiewicz Loadings

Divulge information if B-gravity > D-gravity.  Simple.  Very simple.
See Maslow's B-values on this.  If it isn't quite beautiful, think about it.  If it isn't quite beautiful and questionably just, pause.  If unbeautiful and unjust, is it funny? 

If unfunny, duty is to the many.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Google and the Aggridant

Google search on aggridant or aggridants is interesting.  The word seems to be useful in terms of the B-value of Uniqueness and this should be added to the appropriate Pearltrees.

Need to add "Abraham Maslow" herein to check the Newsreel and wire the word better to "Abraham Maslow"