Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let's extend suicide bombing into it's covering law.  The whole thing started when Lord Bubba tried to teach them about the boundary functions.

He told them that to infiltrate the other side and therefore insure a positive entry, you first have to atomize yourself.  Lord Bubba meant that you had to go into the future by spreading your spiritual self thin, not your body.

The Mechanomorphs picked this up and are now treating it like the
rag in the mouth of the dog.   And they have been convinced that
the whole thing is about getting attention, regardless of value.

Like Maslow would say, if you blow yourself up, the game is over. 
Any mentor who counsels his student to call attention to an issue by blowing himself up is necessarily a sociopath because he shows no concern for human things.  He is in a world of his own, quite delusional.  Yet he still has influence.

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